I recently launched a new website for the non-profit, Reality Check, based here in Los Angeles. Reality Check's primary goal is to spark honest conversations about self-worth, sex, and relationships among teens and young adults. The organization offers workshops, presentations, assemblies, events, small groups, and mentoring that empower youth and young adults to navigate self-worth, sex, and relationships with confidence.

To develop their new website, I began by journey mapping their current online experience, visually depicting the highs and lows of the user journey. This led to an activities-based workshop that discussed protocol for the new online experience. What are Reality Check's goals? What does the target audience need/want? What are the technical requirements? How we effectively blend all of this? We discussed lots of questions to identify obstacles and collaboratively create solutions. This also included and audit of other digital experiences for inspiration. As I entered the design and wireframing phase, I exposed stakeholders to prototypes for early stage feedback. With a prototype in hand, I led a full-day, adventure-filled photo shoot with dozens of models across the city for just the right look. 

A few months later and after a series of beta tests and UX evaluations, voila! Here are a few pics from the photo shoot and a link to the new site.  Enjoy!  http://www.realitycheckla.org/

 #rebrand #webdevelopment